Logan- Film Review


The latest edition to the 'X-men' series, Logan is set in a near future where all the X-Men have faded away. Starting Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine, Patrick Stewart as Professor X and Boyd Holdbrook as the films villain, this film shares a much darker and bitter side of the X-Men universe we have not yet been introduced to until now.

Plot Summary
After a horrific yet unspecified wipe out of Mutants and X-Men, a weary and bitter Logan hides out at a remote outpost near the Mexican and U.S border where he takes care of a mentally ill professor X. Struggling to afford medication to prevent Professor X from having major Seizures that cause him to send psychic shock waves out that ultimately frieze and kill people, Logan finds himself in the smuggling game in order to afford Professor X's treatment. However, Logan's plans are turned upside down when he meets a young mutant, X-23 who shares many mutant similarities to Logan. On the run from a group of government contracted killers, X-23 leads them to Logan and Professor X. One thing leading to another, Logan and Professor find themselves on the Run and have to get X-23 to her decantation where it is said a young group of Mutants hide. Along this journey, Professor X and X-23 unintentionally leave a trail of destruction and terror as they attempt to keep each other alive.


For a lot of people "Super-hero" films seem to be becoming rather tedious nowadays with a constant flow of releases. However, although Logan is a "Comic Book Story", nothing about this shares the same light as the fun and exciting Xmen or Avengers movie. Logan is a dark, gritty and emotional tale of 2 men who have only ever caused pain throughout their life and never had the opportunity for Peace until they meet little X-23. Being rated R-18, Logans violence amplifies the world of Logan and just how gruesome his life really is. Throughout the film, you learn the connect between Logan and X-23, in which acts a great layer to the character of Logan. Although this film is extremely emotional and intense, by the end of the film, you leave feeling a sense of fulfilment for Logan as he conclude in his final chapter. 

Overall, everyone in this film brings so much depth to the film and is one of the best Superhero films to date. Although it is not for Kids, Logan is a film anyone of age can sit down and enjoy without having to be into Super Hero Films. 
I give this film a Extremely Spicy Rating.

Check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Div0iP65aZo

By Cameron M. 45198578. 
